Start Making Money on YouTube With AdSense

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

Getting Started with YouTube AdSense

Are you ready to make money from your YouTube videos? With YouTube AdSense, you can earn money for every view your videos receive. Getting started is easy and all you need to do is sign up for an AdSense account. Here’s how:

Step 1: Sign Up for Google AdSense

The first step is signing up for an AdSense account. You will need to create a Google account and then go to the AdSense website and follow the instructions for signing up for an account. Once you have finished registering your account, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Link Your YouTube Channel with Your AdSense Account

The next step is to link your YouTube channel with your AdSense account. To do this, go to the YouTube Creator Studio dashboard and select the ‘Monetization’ tab. Choose ‘link your AdSense account’ and follow the instructions to finish linking your YouTube channel with your AdSense account.

Step 3: Enable Monetization on Your Videos

Once you have linked your YouTube channel with your AdSense account, it’s time to enable monetization on your videos. To do this, go to the ‘Videos’ tab in your YouTube Creator Studio dashboard and select the videos you want to monetize. Then click on the ‘monetization’ tab and follow the instructions to enable monetization on those videos.

Step 4: Publish Your Videos and Start Making Money

Once you’ve enabled monetization on your videos, it’s time to start making money. To do this, simply publish your videos and wait for views to come in. Every view you get will earn you money through your AdSense account. Now you’re ready to start making money with your YouTube videos.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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