YouTube Rolls Out 3 New Updates to Enhance Creators' Experiences

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Rolls Out 3 Updates For Creators

YouTube has rolled out three new updates for creators on mobile and desktop, aimed at helping them stay informed on data that matters to their channel and grow their audience.

The updates include:

  • Improved realtime cards: The realtime cards in YouTube Studio on iOS and Android are getting improved. These cards display up-to-the-minute data on important channel metrics like subscriber counts and video views. The improvements include the addition of reach and engagement data, which now have dedicated tabs. Previously, these cards only displayed the basic overview data. This is part of an ongoing effort to achieve feature parity between YouTube Studio on mobile and desktop.

  • An inbox for channel mentions: Creators can now view all the places where their channel has been mentioned on YouTube in a dedicated inbox in YouTube Studio. This can help creators stay on top of conversations about their channel and engage with their audience more effectively.

  • Hashtag autocomplete suggestions: When creators are adding hashtags to their video descriptions, they will now see a list of suggested hashtags based on their search query. This can help creators to find relevant hashtags that will help their videos reach a wider audience.

These updates are part of YouTube's ongoing commitment to supporting creators and helping them to succeed on the platform. YouTube is constantly innovating and adding new features to help creators create and grow their audience.

How creators can benefit from the new updates

Improved realtime cards can help creators to track their channel's performance in real time and identify areas where they can improve. For example, if a creator sees that their engagement rate is low, they can try different strategies to improve it, such as adding more engaging elements to their videos or running contests and giveaways.

An inbox for channel mentions can help creators to stay on top of conversations about their channel and engage with their audience more effectively. For example, if a creator is mentioned in a positive comment on another creator's video, they can reply to the comment to thank the viewer for their support.

Hashtag autocomplete suggestions can help creators to find relevant hashtags that will help their videos reach a wider audience. For example, if a creator is making a video about a new video game, they can use relevant hashtags such as #gaming and #newgame in the video description. This will help other users who are interested in those topics to find the video.


The new updates from YouTube are a welcome addition for creators. The improved realtime cards, inbox for channel mentions, and hashtag autocomplete suggestions can all help creators to better understand their audience and grow their channel.


BY: Balmiki Mandal

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