Receive Instant Live Cricket Score Alerts with Python

02 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

How to Use Live Cricket Score Alerts using Python?

Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, with millions of fans keeping track of the action live. But following the game can be hard work, especially with the busy schedules that many of us lead.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to stay up to date with all the latest cricket developments—Live Cricket Score Alerts using Python. Python is a powerful programming language that makes it easy to create scripts to automatically monitor cricket score updates and send you notifications.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Python to set up Live Cricket Score Alerts. We’ll go through the process step-by-step, from setting up the environment and downloading the necessary packages to creating and running a script to receive real-time alerts. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

The first step is to set up your environment so that you can write, test, and run your code. You’ll need to install both Python and the packages necessary to access the live cricket data. The following steps will guide you through the setup process.

1. Install Python – You can download the Python 3.x version from here. Make sure to check the box to add Python to your PATH variable during the installation.

2. Install the library dependencies – You’ll need the requests package to make API calls and the pytz package to manage time zones. You can install them both by running the following command in your prompt: python -m pip install requests pytz

Step 2: Get Your API Key

The next step is to get your API key. To do this, visit the CricAPI website and sign up for a free account. After signing up, you will be able to generate an API key which you can use to access the live cricket data.

Step 3: Create Your Script

Now that you have your environment set up and your API key, you can create your script to send out Live Cricket Score Alerts. To do this, open your text editor and create a new file called “”. This is the file that will contain your code.

Start by importing the necessary packages at the top of the file. Here is the code to do this:

import requests
import pytz
from datetime import datetime

Next, enter your API key as a variable. This will allow you to access the live cricket data.


Finally, write the code to make the API request and parse the response. Here is an example of how to do this:

def get_live_score():
    # Make the API call
    url = '' + CRICAPI_KEY
    r = requests.get(url)
    data = r.json()
    # Parse the response
    results = []
    for match in data["matches"]:
        # Get the date and time of the match
        dt = datetime.strptime(match["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        dt = pytz.utc.localize(dt)
        # Get the teams and scores
        team1 = match["team-1"]
        team2 = match["team-2"]
        score1 = match["score1"]
        score2 = match["score2"]
        # Format the results
        result = "{} vs {}, {} - {}".format(team1, team2, score1, score2)
        results.append((dt, result))
    return results

Save your code and we’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 4: Run the Script

Now that you’ve written your code, it’s time to run the script. To do this, open a command prompt (or terminal) window and run the following command:


This will execute the script and display the live cricket scores in your terminal window.

Step 5: Send Live Cricket Score Alerts

The last step is to set up your script to automatically send Live Cricket Score Alerts. To do this, you’ll need to use a service such as Twilio or Pushbullet to send the alerts to your phone or other devices. You can find instructions for setting this up online.

Once you have the alert service set up, you can modify the script to send out alerts whenever a new score is available. Just update the script to include the necessary code to send the alerts and you’re good to go!


That’s it! You now have a script that will monitor the latest cricket scores and send you alerts whenever there is a new update. Next time you’re too busy to keep up with the game, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t miss out on the action. Enjoy!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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