Check & Correct Spelling Mistakes Easily with Python Spelling Checker & Corrector

02 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Python Spelling Checker & Corrector Source Code

In this article, you will learn how to create a simple Python spelling checker and corrector with source code. We will create a basic script that can detect spelling errors in strings and correct them. This script can be adapted for use in a variety of applications such as spell-checking programs and even language learning tools. Let's get started.

What is a Python Spelling Checker & Corrector?

A Python spelling checker & corrector is a program that finds and fixes spelling mistakes in strings of text. It uses natural language processing techniques to analyze words, identify potential misspellings, and suggest corrections. This type of program is useful for language learners who need to quickly and accurately diagnose and repair mistakes made while writing in English or other languages.

How to Create a Python Spelling Checker & Corrector

Creating a Python spelling checker & corrector requires a few different steps. First, we must create a dataset that contains a list of correctly spelled words. This dataset can come from a dictionary file or a text corpus such as the one provided by NLTK. Once the dataset is created, we can build an algorithm that compares each word within the string to the words in the dataset. If a discrepancy is found, the algorithm will provide a suggestion for the correct spelling. Finally, we can create a script that implements the logic of the algorithm and provides suggestions for correcting misspelled words. Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail.

Step 1: Create a Dataset

The first step in creating a Python spelling checker & corrector is to create a dataset that contains a list of correctly spelled words. This dataset should contain words from multiple languages if needed. To create the dataset, we can use a dictionary file or a text corpus. The NLTK corpus is a good option as it has a large number of words from different languages. Once the dataset is created, it can be stored in a variable as a list.

Step 2: Build an Algorithm

Now that we have our dataset, we can build an algorithm that will compare the words in the dataset to those in the string. The algorithm should check each word in the string against the words in the dataset. If there is a mismatch, the algorithm should provide a suggestion for the correct spelling. To do this, we can use a combination of fuzzy string matching techniques and natural language processing techniques.

Step 3: Create a Script

Finally, we can create a script that implements the logic of our algorithm and provides suggestions for correcting misspelled words. The script should take an input string and compare each word to the words in the dataset. If a misspelling is detected, the script should provide an appropriate correction. We can also include additional features, such as a “did you mean?” feature that suggests alternative spellings for words that are not in the dataset.

Python code that uses the pyaspeller library to perform spelling correction

import pyaspeller

# Initialize the spell checker
checker = pyaspeller.YandexSpeller()

# Define a function to correct the spelling
def correct_spelling(text):
    # Call the spell checker's `check_text()` method
    result = checker.check_text(text)
    # Extract the corrected text from the spell checker's response
    corrected_text = result[0]['s'][0] if result else text
    return corrected_text

# Test the function with sample text
text = "Ths is sme sampl text with spelling erors."
corrected_text = correct_spelling(text)

print("Original text: ", text)
print("Corrected text: ", corrected_text)

In the above code, we first import the pyaspeller library and initialize a YandexSpeller object to perform the spelling check.

Then, we define a function correct_spelling() that takes a text argument and calls the check_text() method of the spell checker to get the list of spelling corrections. If there are no corrections, the function returns the original text as is. Otherwise, it extracts the corrected text from the spell checker's response and returns it.

Finally, we test the correct_spelling() function with a sample text that contains spelling errors, and print both the original and corrected text.

Note that you can also use other libraries such as enchant, pyspellchecker, or autocorrect to perform spelling correction in Python.


In this article, we learned how to create a Python spelling checker and corrector with source code. We began by creating a dataset of correctly spelled words. Then we built an algorithm that checked for discrepancies between the words in the string and the words in the dataset. Finally, we created a script that implemented the logic of our algorithm and provided suggestions for correcting misspelled words. By following these steps, you will have a powerful tool that can help you quickly and accurately identify and fix spelling mistakes.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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