Expert TypeScript Interview Questions and Answers
TypeScript Interview Questions & Answers
What is TypeScript?
TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strongly typed, object-oriented, compiled language that builds on the principles of the popular JavaScript language. TypeScript adds optional static type-checking, classes, and interfaces to JavaScript to enable developers to write large-scale applications with fewer errors.
What are the advantages of using TypeScript?
- It is easier to maintain large codebases by giving better readability.
- It adds annotation with type-checking enabling fewer run-time errors.
- It allows for better code organization.
- It provides more features to create robust applications.
- It allows for cross-platform development.
- It supports various tools for testing.
- The compilation process provides quick feedback to fix any mistakes immediately.
What are the main features of TypeScript?
- Compiled Language: TypeScript transpiles the code into JavaScript, so it can be run in any browser.
- Strong Typing: This allows for early detection of errors while writing code.
- Classes: Classes provide structure and abstraction to code.
- Object Orientation: Objects allow developers to break down complex problems into easy and manageable components.
- Generics: Generics allow developers to use the same code for multiple data types.
- Modules: Modules allow for better code organization, reusability, and scalability.
- Compiler Options: Advanced compiler options enable customizing the output.
How does TypeScript compare to JavaScript?
TypeScript adds a layer of abstraction on top of JavaScript, allowing developers to use features such as classes, interfaces, and strong typing. It also has features such as modules and generics, which are not available in JavaScript. In addition, the TypeScript compiler can detect errors during compilation and transpile the code into plain JavaScript, which can then be run in any browser or host environment.