Understanding Decorators in Typescript

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Typescript Decorators – What They Are and How to Use Them

Typescript decorators are a powerful feature of the Typescript language that allow developers to add extra metadata and behavior to their code. Decorators provide an easily extensible way to make changes or add features to your code without having to directly modify it. Decorators are a great way to increase code readability and maintainability, allowing you to apply a single piece of code to multiple objects or classes.

Understanding Decorators

Decorators are a form of syntactic sugar, allowing you to “decorate” or “enhance” your code with additional functionality or behaviors without writing extra code. Decorators are functions or annotations that can be attached to any class, method, or property. Decorators are generally placed right before the statement that you want to enhance.

In Typescript, when you use a decorator, you are creating a new type of object that is composed of two parts: the decorator itself, and the decorated object. The decorator’s job is to determine the behavior that will be added to the object. The decorated object contains the code that will be executed when the decorated object is used.

Common Uses for Typescript Decorators

Typescript decorators can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Allowing classes and methods to be injected with additional logic.
  • Adding extra data to objects to improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Making complex logic easier to work with by breaking it down into smaller pieces.
  • Simplifying code by making the same functionality available to different objects.
  • Creating custom annotations that can be used across various parts of your application.

How to Use Decorators in Typescript

Using decorators in Typescript is about as simple as it gets. To begin, you will need to define a decorator function, which takes in the object that it will be decorating as its first parameter. From there, your function can do whatever it needs to do to create the desired effect on the object.

Once the decorator is defined, you can apply it to a method, class, or property using the @ symbol followed by the decorator name. For example, if you had a decorator called “logger” then you could apply it to a method like this:

public myMethod () {
  // method code goes here

Your decorator will then take effect when the method is executed, providing any additional logic that you defined.


Typescript decorators provide an easy and powerful way to extend your code with additional logic and behavior. With decorators, you can easily add extra data to objects, simplify complex logic, and create custom annotations to use throughout your application. And with just a few lines of code, you can have your decorators up and running!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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