code section in c

16 Feb 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

what is the code segment in c

In C programming language, the code section, also known as the text section, is a region of memory that contains the compiled machine code for the program's instructions and functions. The code section is a read-only section of memory, which means that the contents of the section cannot be modified during program execution.

When a C program is compiled, the source code is translated into machine code by a compiler. The machine code is then linked with other object files and libraries to create an executable file. The code section is a part of the executable file and is loaded into memory when the program is executed.

The code section contains the instructions that the program's processor executes to perform the program's tasks. The code section is organized into functions, with each function having its own memory address and entry point. The memory addresses of the functions are used by the program's loader to relocate the code section to the correct address in memory.

The size of the code section depends on the number and size of the program's instructions and functions. The code section is typically located at a fixed address in memory, which is determined by the operating system and the linker.

It is important to note that the code section is a fixed size and cannot be resized at runtime. Therefore, it is important to manage the size of the code section carefully to avoid memory allocation errors and optimize the program's memory usage. Additionally, it is recommended to use functions and modules to improve the program's modularity and reduce the risk of name collisions.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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