Understanding How Function Pointers Store Function Symbols in the Data Section

16 Feb 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Exploring Function Pointers: Storing Function Symbols in the Data Section in C Programming

In C programming language, function symbols are not typically stored in the data section of memory. Instead, they are stored in a separate section called the code section or text section.

C programming, particularly regarding their representation in memory. Function pointers are a powerful feature in C that allow you to store and manipulate references to functions, treating them as data.

In C programming, functions are typically stored in a separate code section, not the data section. The code section holds the actual machine instructions of the functions. However, when you use function pointers, you are dealing with the memory addresses of functions, which are essentially pointers. These pointers can be stored in the data section just like any other data.

Basic example to illustrate this concept:

c programming
#include <stdio.h>
void foo() {
    printf("Hello from foo()\n");
void bar() {
    printf("Hello from bar()\n");
int main() {
    void (*func_ptr)();  // Declare a function pointer
    func_ptr = &foo;     // Assign the address of foo to the pointer
    func_ptr();          // Call foo() using the pointer
    func_ptr = &bar;     // Assign the address of bar to the pointer
    func_ptr();          // Call bar() using the pointer
    return 0;


In this example, the func_ptr variable is a function pointer that can hold the memory address of functions foo and bar. It's stored in the data section, but the values it holds (the addresses of foo and bar) point
to the code section where the actual function instructions are stored.

Remember that the specific memory layout can vary based on the compiler, platform, and optimizations applied, but the general concept remains the same: function pointers allow you to store and manipulate function addresses just like you would with other data types.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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