Understanding Extern Variables in C: Global Data Sharing Across Files

16 Feb 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Exploring Extern Variables in C Programming

In C programming, an extern variable is used to declare a variable that is defined in another source file. This keyword allows you to reference a global variable that is defined in a separate file without redefining it. It essentially tells the compiler that the variable is defined elsewhere and provides a reference to that variable.

Here's how extern variables work:

  1. Declaration: In a source file where you want to use a global variable defined in another source file, you use the extern keyword followed by the variable's type and name. This informs the compiler that the variable exists but is defined in another location.

  2. Definition: The actual definition of the variable is present in another source file. This is where the memory for the variable is allocated. The extern declaration serves as a reference to this variable.

Let's see an example:

File: main.c

c Programming
#include <stdio.h>
extern int globalVar; // Declaration of the global variable defined in another file
int main() {
    printf("Value of globalVar: %d\n", globalVar);
    return 0;
File: other_file.c
c programming
int globalVar = 42; // Definition of the global variable
 // Other code...

In this example, the globalVar variable is defined in the file other_file.c. The extern declaration in the main.c file informs the compiler that the globalVar variable is defined elsewhere. When the program is compiled and linked, the value of globalVar from other_file.c will be used in the main.c file.

Key points about extern variables:

  • The extern keyword is used only for declarations, not definitions. Definitions allocate memory for the variable.

  • extern variables are typically used to share global variables across multiple source files without duplicating their definitions.

  • The declaration and the definition of the extern variable should match in terms of type and name.

  • extern variables are usually declared in header files to be shared among multiple source files.

  • It's common to use include guards or modern approaches like the #pragma once directive in header files to prevent multiple inclusion.

  • If a variable is defined in a header file with the extern keyword, you should define it in one of the source files to avoid linker errors.

Remember that the use of extern should be kept to a minimum, as it can make the program structure less clear and may lead to dependencies that are hard to manage. It's often a good practice to encapsulate shared variables and data in well-defined structures or classes instead of relying heavily on extern variables

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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