Static variable in c

16 Feb 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Unveiling Static Variables in C Programming

In C programming, a static variable is a type of variable that has a specific storage class and lifetime. Static variables are used when you want a variable to retain its value between function calls and have a scope that persists throughout the program's execution.

There are two primary contexts where static variables are commonly used:

Static Variables within Functions: When a variable is declared as static inside a function, it retains its value between function calls. The variable is initialized only once, and its value is preserved across subsequent calls to the same function.

c Programming
#include <stdio.h>

void countCalls() {
    // The 'count' variable retains its value across function calls
    static int count = 0;
    printf("Function called %d times.\n", count);

int main() {
    return 0;


in this example, the count variable inside the countCalls function is declared as static. It retains its value across function calls, resulting in the output:
Function called 1 times.
Function called 2 times.
Function called 3 times.

Static Global Variables:

A global variable declared as static has internal linkage, meaning it is only accessible within the same source file where it is declared. It does not conflict with similarly named variables in other files. This can be used to create "private" variables that are only accessible within a specific file.

c Programming
// File: file1.c
static int file1Var = 42;

// File: file2.c
static int file2Var = 24;
In this example, file1Var is accessible only within file1.c, and file2Var is accessible only within file2.c.

Key characteristics of static variables:

  • Lifetime: Static variables have a lifetime that spans the entire execution of the program. They are initialized only once before the program starts executing and retain their values across function calls.

  • Scope: The scope of a static variable depends on where it is declared. Static variables within functions are accessible only within that function, while static global variables are accessible within the entire file where they are defined.

  • Memory Location: Static variables are typically stored in the data section of the program's memory.

  • Initialization: If not explicitly initialized, static variables are automatically initialized to zero (for global and static variables) or their default value (for static variables within functions).

  • Thread Safety: Static variables within functions can be a source of bugs in multi-threaded environments due to shared state. They are not thread-safe by default.

Static variables offer a way to maintain state across function calls while controlling their scope and visibility in a program.


BY: Balmiki Mandal

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