difference between the functions strdup() and strcpy()

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Kumar 0 C Programming

Difference Between strdup() and strcpy() in C Programming

strcpy() Function:

  • Description:
    • Stands for "string copy".
    • Copies the contents of one string to another.
    • Requires the destination string to have enough memory allocated to hold the source string.
  • Syntax:
    char* strcpy(char* destination, const char* source);
  • Example:
    char source[] = "Hello, World!";
    char destination[20];
    strcpy(destination, source);


  • Important Points:
    • Does not allocate memory dynamically. The destination string must have enough space for the source string.
    • Risk of buffer overflow if the destination is not large enough.

strdup() Function:

  • Description:
    • Stands for "string duplicate".
    • Creates a duplicate of a given string, allocating memory dynamically.
    • Automatically allocates memory for the duplicate string.
  • Syntax:
    char* strdup(const char* source);
  • Example:
    char source[] = "Hello, World!";
    char* duplicate = strdup(source);
  • Important Points:
    • Dynamically allocates memory for the duplicated string, which must be freed later using free() to avoid memory leaks.
    • Particularly useful when you need to modify the duplicate without affecting the original string.

Key Considerations:

  • Memory Management:
    • strcpy() relies on pre-allocated memory, while strdup() dynamically allocates memory.
  • Safety:
    • strdup() is generally considered safer as it handles memory allocation automatically.
  • Return Value:
    • strcpy() returns a pointer to the destination string.
    • strdup() returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory, or NULL if allocation fails.
  • Null Terminated Strings:
    • Both functions work with null-terminated strings.
  • Error Handling:
    • It's important to check if memory allocation (strdup()) or buffer size (strcpy()) succeeds to avoid runtime errors.


Consider the specific requirements of your program to choose the appropriate function. Always be cautious about memory management to prevent memory leaks or buffer overflows.

BY: Balmiki Kumar

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