Extending Your Application with External Libraries in rust programming language

20 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Rust Programming

Extending Your Application with External Libraries in Rust

Rust, like many other programming languages, thrives on its rich ecosystem of external libraries, also known as crates. These crates provide pre-written, well-tested code that can significantly enhance your application's functionality without needing to reinvent the wheel.

how you can leverage external libraries in your Rust projects:

1. Package Management with Cargo:Rust uses Cargo, its built-in package manager, to discover, download, and integrate external crates into your project. Cargo manages dependencies between your code and the libraries it relies on.
2. Finding the Right Crate:There are several ways to find suitable crates for your needs:

  • crates.io: This is the official Rust package repository, similar to PyPI for Python or npm for JavaScript. You can search for crates by name, functionality, or keywords [crates.io].
  • Documentation: Many libraries have excellent documentation that explains their features, usage examples, and installation instructions.
  • Community Resources: The Rust community is active and helpful. Online forums and communities like Reddit's r/rust or the official Rust IRC channel can be great places to find recommendations for specific tasks.

3. Adding a Crate to Your Project:Once you've identified the right crate, adding it to your project is straightforward. You can declare dependencies in your project's Cargo.toml file. Here's a basic example:

serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"

This example specifies two dependencies: serde for serialization and deserialization purposes, and serde_json which is a crate for working with JSON data format that builds upon serde.4. Using the Crate in Your Code:After adding the crate to your dependencies, you can use the crate's functionality in your Rust code. This typically involves importing the crate and using its functions, types, or macros. Here's a basic example of using the serde_json crate to parse JSON data:

extern crate serde_json;

use serde_json::Value;

fn main() {
  let json_data = r#"{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}"#;

  // Parse the JSON string
  let parsed_data: Value = serde_json::from_str(json_data).unwrap();

  // Access data from the parsed Value
  let name = parsed_data["name"].as_str().unwrap();
  println!("Hello, {}", name);

5. Benefits of Using External Libraries:

  • Reduced Development Time: Leverage pre-written, well-tested code instead of building everything from scratch.
  • Improved Code Quality: External libraries often come with comprehensive documentation and community support, leading to more robust and maintainable code.
  • Focus on Core Functionality: By using established libraries for common tasks, you can focus on the unique aspects of your application.


  • Choose libraries with active development and maintenance.
  • Pay attention to the library's license to ensure compatibility with your project's requirements.
  • Refer to the library's documentation for detailed usage instructions and examples.

By effectively using external libraries, you can significantly boost your Rust development productivity and create feature-rich applications.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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