Asynchronous Programming with Rust

20 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Rust Programming

Understanding Asynchronous Programming with Rust

Asynchronous programming is a powerful way to make sure your code runs as efficiently as possible. It allows you to run multiple tasks in parallel, making the most of the available processing power. Rust’s asynchronous programming model makes it easy to write efficient, concurrent code without sacrificing safety or performance. In this article, we will look at how to use asynchronous programming with Rust.

Why Use Asynchronous Programming?

Asynchronous programming allows you to structure your code so that multiple tasks can be performed at the same time. This can help your code use less resources and finish faster. For example, if you are downloading files from the internet, asynchronous programming lets you download multiple files simultaneously instead of waiting for each one to finish before starting the next.

By letting multiple tasks run in parallel, asynchronous programming also makes it easier to increase the scalability of your application. If your application needs to handle more users or data, asynchronous programming can help ensure that the workload is evenly distributed across multiple cores or machines.

How to Use Asynchronous Programming in Rust

Rust provides a lightweight concurrency runtime known as “Tokio” which makes it easy to write asynchronous code. Tokio is composed of two main components: “futures” and “tokio-threadpools”. Futures represent “asynchronous computations” which are the tasks that you want to run in parallel. The threadpools are responsible for executing the futures in parallel.

To use asynchronous programming in Rust, you first need to define the tasks you want to run in parallel. This is done by creating a “future”. The future is a structure that holds all the information needed to execute the task. This includes the code to run, arguments to pass, and a callback for when the task is finished.

Once your futures are defined, you need to create a threadpool to execute them. A threadpool is a pool of threads that are responsible for executing the futures in parallel. You can create a threadpool using Tokio’s “ThreadPoolBuilder”. Once the threadpool is created, you can submit the futures to the threadpool for execution.

Once the futures are submitted, the threadpool will start executing them in parallel. When all the futures are complete, you can get a result from each future. This result can then be used to update your application state or do whatever else you need.


Asynchronous programming in Rust is a powerful way to make sure your code runs as efficiently as possible. It allows you to make the most of available processing power and scale up your application to handle more users and data. Rust’s lightweight concurrency runtime, Tokio, makes it easy to write asynchronous code. By defining your tasks as futures and submitting them to a threadpool for execution, you can take advantage of asynchronous programming in Rust.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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