File Handling in C: A Comprehensive Guide with electro4u Thumb

File Handling in C: A Comprehensive Guide with electro4u

23 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

File Handling in C

File handling in C allows programs to read and write data to files. This is essential for tasks like saving user preferences, processing large datasets, and more.

File Operations

Opening a File

FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
  • fopen is used to open a file.
  • filename is the name of the file.
  • mode specifies how the file will be opened (read, write, etc.).

Closing a File

int fclose(FILE *stream);
  • fclose is used to close a file after you're done using it.

Reading from a File

int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
  • fscanf reads formatted data from a file.
char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream);
  • fgets reads a line from a file.

Writing to a File

int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
  • fprintf writes formatted data to a file.
int fputs(const char *str, FILE *stream);
  • fputs writes a string to a file.

File Pointers

  • FILE* is a pointer to a FILE structure which contains information about the file.

Checking for Errors

int ferror(FILE *stream);
  • ferror checks if an error has occurred on a stream.
void clearerr(FILE *stream);
  • clearerr clears the end-of-file and error indicators.

File Positioning

int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence);
  • fseek moves the file pointer to a specified location.
long int ftell(FILE *stream);
  • ftell returns the current position of the file pointer.

Error Handling

  • Always check if file operations were successful (fopen, fclose, etc.).
  • Use ferror to check for errors.


FILE *fp = fopen("myfile.txt", "w"); if (fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "Hello, World!\n"); fclose(fp); } else { printf("Error opening file.\n"); }


  • Understanding file handling is essential for working with external data sources in C.
  • Proper handling ensures data integrity and program robustness.

Further Reading:

 For further information and examples, Please visit[ C-Programming From Scratch to Advanced 2023-2024]


Top Resources

Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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