GHC - Glasgow Haskell Compiler

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Haskell Programming language

GHC: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

GHC, or the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, is a popular, open-source compiler for the functional programming language, Haskell. Developed at the University of Glasgow in the late 1990s, GHC quickly became the de facto standard for Haskell development. It is now maintained by a team of volunteer developers, and is used by leading software companies, research labs, and universities around the world.

GHC is known for its robustness and performance, and is widely used for building production systems. It supports the full Haskell language, including language extensions such as Generic Haskell, Type Families, and Arrows. GHC also provides a range of optimization features, making it ideal for building high-performance applications.

GHC includes a number of tools to make development easier. These include an interactive interpreter, an API for advanced programmatic access, and a graphical debugger. Developers can also use GHC in conjunction with libraries and frameworks such as BSD, Jhc, and Hugs.

GHC is available for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and a variety of other platforms. It is free to download and use.

Whether you’re new to functional programming, or an experienced Haskell expert, GHC will provide you with the tools you need to get the most out of your code. So why not give it a try?

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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