Discover How Haskell Libraries Can Change Your Programming Game

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Haskell Programming language

Libraries of Haskell Programming Language

Haskell is a powerful functional programming language that offers a wide variety of libraries to help you develop code for any purpose. Whether you're looking to create data structures, network applications, web services, system programs or GUI-based applications, Haskell has a library that can help you get the job done. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the most popular and widely used libraries in the Haskell community.


HUnit is an essential library for any Haskell programmer looking to test their code with unit tests. HUnit makes it easy to write tests quickly and efficiently, since it provides built-in functions for common tasks like assertions and checking for equality. This library greatly helps developers write robust code and find bugs quickly.


Parsec is a powerful parser combinator library for Haskell. It allows developers to build parsers quickly and easily without having to worry about writing parsers from scratch. With Parsec, you can write parsers for any kind of text-based input — from HTML and XML documents to JSON data and more.


The Repa library provides a high-performance array-processing library specifically for Haskell. It's designed to be fast and memory-efficient, and its API is designed for parallel and distributed computing. Repa provides a great way to process large amounts of data quickly and with minimal memory usage.


Lens is a library for functional programming that provides modern abstractions for working with immutable data structures. With Lens, you can access and modify data values without having to worry about manual deep copies or other complexities. Lens also comes with a number of other useful features like automatic type inference and monadic composition.


Hakyll is a static site generator written in Haskell. It simplifies the task of generating static web pages by providing a set of ready-made tools and templates. Hakyll is great for quickly creating dynamic websites or blogs, as well as for generating custom content for your website.

At its core, Haskell is a powerful, versatile and expressive language. With the help of libraries like these, it is possible to build practically any kind of application with a fraction of the effort that it would take with other languages. So if you're looking to create robust, reliable and efficient applications in a fraction of the time, then give Haskell a try!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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