Implementing Dependency Injection with Kotlin

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Kotlin

Implementing Dependency Injection with Kotlin

Dependency injection is an incredibly useful software design pattern that enables us to create more flexible and maintainable applications. However, implementation of dependency injection can be quite challenging, particularly when working with the relatively new Kotlin language. This article will discuss how to properly implement dependency injection in your Kotlin projects.

What Is Dependency Injection?

In software development, Dependency Injection (DI) is a technique in which objects are provided with their dependencies instead of having to manually create them. This eliminates the need for hardcoding dependencies, which allows for greater flexibility and separation of concerns. DI can be used to inject any type of object, including services, frameworks, and modules.

DI Frameworks

There are several popular frameworks used to facilitate dependency injection, such as Dagger 2 and Koin. These frameworks provide the necessary boilerplate code to aid in the implementation of DI in your application. The main benefit of using a DI framework is that it makes it easier to keep track of the dependencies within your project.

DI in Kotlin

Kotlin provides three major methods for implementing Dependency Injection: Constructor Injection, Property Injection, and Factory Injection. All three methods are based on providing dependencies through setter methods or constructors.

  • Constructor Injection : This is perhaps the most common method of DI in Kotlin. It relies on the constructor of the class being injected for its dependencies. The dependencies are passed into the constructor as parameters. This allows us to easily define the dependencies that each class requires.
  • Property Injection : Property injection involves assigning a dependency to a property on the class. This is done through the use of a setter method or injecting the dependency into the constructor. This method is often preferred for classes that require a large number of dependencies and/or require specialized setup.
  • Factory Injection : Factory injection is similar to constructor injection. Instead of passing the dependencies into the constructor, they are passed into a factory method to create the instance. This is a great approach for complex data structures where the construction of the object requires several steps.


Dependency injection is a powerful tool for creating more maintainable and flexible applications. However, implementation of DI can be difficult, particularly for Kotlin developers. Fortunately, Kotlin provides native support for three DI methods: Constructor Injection, Property Injection, and Factory Injection. With these methods, you can easily incorporate DI into your Kotlin applications.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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