How to Make Debugging Simpler with Kotlin

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Kotlin

How to Make Debugging Simpler with Kotlin

Debugging is a critical part of any development process, but it can be difficult and time consuming. Fortunately, Kotlin provides developers with several tools that make debugging simpler. The following guide will show you how to use these tools to make debugging faster and more efficient.

Kotlin Breakpoints

Breakpoints are helpful for identifying the root cause of a bug or analyzing the code related to a specific issue. To set a breakpoint, simply add the following line of code: val bp = Breakpoint(). When you're ready to halt the program at this point, click the Debug button in IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio.

You can also configure breakpoints with special conditions. For example, you can break when a certain boolean value is true or when a line of code is reached a certain number of times. To do this, add the keywords if or times to your Breakpoint() line.

Kotlin Logging

Kotlin's logging capabilities provide developers with an effective way to trace their code's execution and better understand how everything works together. You can use the Logger class to generate log messages which are displayed on the console. This can help narrow down why certain things are happening or identify potential issues.

For example, if you want to log a message when certain events occur, you can use the Logger.log(message) method and pass in a descriptive message. This is especially useful if you're trying to debug something complex, like a multi-threaded environment.

Kotlin Assertions

Assertions are a powerful tool that let you quickly detect unexpected program behaviour. You can use assertions to check if a certain condition is true or false, and write messages that explain what went wrong. To use assertions, you can add the keyword assert before any expression, for example: assert(x == y). If the condition evaluates to false, the program will trigger an AssertionError.


Kotlin makes debugging simpler by providing developers with easy-to-use tools that make debugging faster and more efficient. By leveraging breakpoints, logging, and assertions, developers can easily identify and fix issues in their code.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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