LCD Commands in Embedded Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

30 Apr 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Embedded C

LCD Commands in Embedded Systems

LCD commands in embedded systems are used to control the behavior of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module, which is a common type of display used in many embedded systems. Some of the commonly used LCD commands are:

  1. Clear Display (0x01): This command clears the entire display and sets the cursor to the home position.

  2. Return Home (0x02): This command returns the cursor to the home position without clearing the display.

  3. Entry Mode Set (0x04): This command sets the cursor direction and the display shift.

  4. Display On/Off Control (0x08): This command turns the display on or off, and also controls the cursor and blink settings.

  5. Cursor or Display Shift (0x10): This command shifts the cursor or the entire display left or right.

  6. Function Set (0x20): This command sets the interface data length, number of display lines, and font type.

  7. Set CGRAM Address (0x40): This command sets the address of the Character Generator RAM (CGRAM), which is used to create custom characters.

  8. Set DDRAM Address (0x80): This command sets the address of the Display Data RAM (DDRAM), which is used to write data to the display.

These are just a few examples of the many commands available for controlling an LCD module in an embedded system. The specific commands and their usage may vary depending on the type of LCD module being used and the requirements of the system.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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