Writing an Embedded C Program to Display a "V" Character on an LCD Screen in 8-Bit Mode

30 Apr 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Embedded C

Writing an Embedded C Program to Display a "V" Character on LCD Using 8-Bit Mode

Writing an embedded C program to display a "V" character on a LCD screen using 8-bit mode is not a difficult task. All you need is a basic knowledge of the C language and some familiarity with the particular LCD you are working with. The basic approach involves setting up the hardware to allow for 8-bit communication, writing your code for displaying the character and then sending the commands to the LCD.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Embedded C Program to Display a "V" Character on LCD Using 8-Bit Mode

Step 1: Before getting started, you will need to identify the exact type of LCD display you are working with and become familiar with its operating modes and command set. Once you have identified your device and established communication with it, you can begin writing the code.

Step 2: The next step is to write the code that will send the commands to the LCD to display the “V” character. To do this, you will need to use one of the instruction sets (also known as an instruction library) available for your particular LCD. This library is installed along with the LCD driver software.

Step 3: Next, you will need to define the instructions that are necessary to display the character. Depending on the type of LCD you are using, there may be additional instructions that need to be defined in order to properly set up the display. Be sure to read through the information provided by the manufacturer to make sure all of the necessary instructions are included in your code.

Step 4: Once you have written the code for the required instructions, you will need to upload it to the LCD. This can be done by connecting the LCD to your computer and transferring the code over a serial port.

Step 5: Finally, once the code has been uploaded, you can check to see if the “V” character is visible on the LCD screen. If it is, then your code worked!


Writing an embedded C program to display a “V” character on a LCD screen using 8-bit mode is not a difficult task. With some knowledge of the C language and the right instructions, you can write the code necessary to get the job done. Just remember to double check your code before uploading it and make sure everything is correct before testing it out on the LCD.


Sure, here's an example Embedded C program to display the "V" character on an LCD using 8-bit mode:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define LCD_DATA_PORT PORTD // define the data port
#define LCD_CTRL_PORT PORTC // define the control port
#define RS_PIN 0 // define the RS pin number
#define EN_PIN 1 // define the EN pin number

void lcd_cmd(unsigned char cmd) {
  LCD_DATA_PORT = cmd; // send command to data port
  LCD_CTRL_PORT &= ~(1<<RS_PIN); // select command register
  LCD_CTRL_PORT |= (1<<EN_PIN); // enable LCD
  _delay_ms(1); // delay for 1 millisecond
  LCD_CTRL_PORT &= ~(1<<EN_PIN); // disable LCD
  _delay_ms(1); // delay for 1 millisecond

void lcd_data(unsigned char data) {
  LCD_DATA_PORT = data; // send data to data port
  LCD_CTRL_PORT |= (1<<RS_PIN); // select data register
  LCD_CTRL_PORT |= (1<<EN_PIN); // enable LCD
  _delay_ms(1); // delay for 1 millisecond
  LCD_CTRL_PORT &= ~(1<<EN_PIN); // disable LCD
  _delay_ms(1); // delay for 1 millisecond

void lcd_init() {
  lcd_cmd(0x38); // initialize 8-bit mode
  lcd_cmd(0x0C); // turn on display, cursor off
  lcd_cmd(0x06); // move cursor right on each character
  lcd_cmd(0x01); // clear the display

int main() {
  LCD_DATA_PORT = 0x00; // initialize data port
  LCD_CTRL_PORT = 0x00; // initialize control port
  DDRC = 0xFF; // set control port as output
  DDRD = 0xFF; // set data port as output
  lcd_init(); // initialize the LCD
  lcd_data('V'); // display the character 'V'
  while (1) {
    // do nothing
  return 0;

Note that this example code is written for an AVR microcontroller and may need to be modified for use on a different platform. Additionally, you may need to adjust the specific control and data port pins based on your specific hardware setup.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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