Making Angular Code More Maintainable With TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Using TypeScript for Making Angular Code More Maintainable

Angular is a popular platform for developing web applications, and many developers are turning to TypeScript as an alternative to JavaScript for making their code more maintainable. Let’s explore the advantages of TypeScript and how it can help you improve the maintainability of your Angular app.

What Is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that brings added benefits to the language. It is designed to be a typed language, meaning that type information about variables is stored with the code. This provides better tooling support and makes it easier to detect errors early in the development process. Additionally, it includes features such as classes, interfaces, and modules that make it easier to write robust code.

How Does TypeScript Help Make Angular Code More Maintainable?

By using TypeScript in an Angular application, developers can take advantage of the static typing it provides. This helps to ensure that inputs and outputs are correctly handled, leading to fewer bugs and more maintainable code. Additionally, TypeScript also provides better tooling support, making it easier to read and understand the code. This makes it easier to find issues quickly and identify areas of improvement.

Another advantage of using TypeScript in an Angular project is that it enables better code organization. TypeScript allows developers to break up their code into modules, which can be individually imported or included in a larger project. This makes it easier to keep track of changes throughout the codebase, and makes it easier to add new features without having to rewrite large amounts of existing code.


TypeScript can be a great tool for making Angular code more maintainable. By providing type safety and better tooling support, developers can quickly identify and fix errors in their code. Additionally, TypeScript also helps to organize the codebase into smaller modules, making it easier to track changes across the project.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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