Writing Optimized Code with Angular and TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Writing Optimized Angular Code with TypeScript

Angular is one of the most popular frontend JavaScript frameworks. It is used to create rich, dynamic, and interactive single page web applications. With its help developers can build complex web applications quickly and easily. One of the key benefits of Angular is its TypeScript support.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static type-checking along with features such as class declarations, interfaces, and modules. TypeScript offers the scalability and maintainability of large code base, making it an ideal choice for development teams that are looking to build complex applications.

In this article, we will discuss how developers can take advantage of using TypeScript to write optimized Angular code. We’ll look at the advantages of using TypeScript over plain JavaScript, the best practices for writing optimized code, and tips for debugging and refactoring.

Why Use TypeScript?

The main advantage of using TypeScript over plain JavaScript is that it increases the code's readability. It also helps catch errors much earlier, since all type errors are reported during the compilation process. TypeScript adds support for features such as module imports, classes, interfaces, and generics, which make it easier to write better-structured and more maintainable code.

In addition, TypeScript comes with an advanced type system that allows you to work with more complex types such as union types and intersection types. This helps make your code more concise and efficient. Finally, since TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, it provides backward compatibility, allowing developers to use existing JavaScript code with very few tweaks.

Best Practices for Writing Optimized Code

When writing optimized TypeScript code for Angular applications, it’s important to keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use strict type assertion for the most basic types
  • Define explicit types for variables and parameters
  • Explicitly define the return type of functions
  • Avoid creating global variables or functions
  • Avoid nesting objects
  • Keep functions short and organized
  • Use type checking for input parameters
  • Use classes instead of plain objects

Debugging and Refactoring

Debugging TypeScript code can be done using any debugging tools that support JavaScript. However, the built-in TypeScript language service provides additional features such as code completion, refactoring, and linting.Tslint is a popular open source linting tool, which can be used to check the quality of TypeScript code and alert the developer to potential problems.

Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code without changing its behavior. It can be used to improve the readability of code or make it more efficient. When refactoring TypeScript code, it’s important to pay attention to types and avoid introducing new bugs. Refactoring tools can help automate this process and make it easier to refactor large pieces of code.


TypeScript is an excellent choice for writing optimized Angular code. It offers all the features of JavaScript plus optional static type-checking, which makes it easier to write better-structured and more maintainable code. Following the best practices outlined in this article, developers can take advantage of TypeScript to write optimized Angular applications quickly and easily. Furthermore, TypeScript’s advanced type system and debugging and refactoring tools make it simpler to debug and refactor code as needed.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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