"How to Parse an INI File in Java"

06 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

How to Parse an INI File in Java

An INI file is a configuration file used by many applications, including Microsoft Windows. INI files contain sections and parameters that are used to configure application behavior. Parsing an INI file allows you to access the values stored within it for use in your Java programs.

Step 1: Create a Properties Object

The first step in parsing an INI file is to create a java.util.Properties object. This object provides a set of methods to read the configuration values from the INI file.

Step 2: Use the load() Method

Once the object has been created, the next step is to use its load() method to load the contents of the INI file. The load() takes as its argument the path to the INI file. This can be either a relative or absolute path, or it can be a URL.

Step 3: Retrieve Values from the INI File

Once the INI file has been loaded, the values stored in it can be accessed by calling the getProperty() method. This method takes two arguments: the name of the parameter and a default value to use if the parameter is not found. If the parameter is found, the property's value is returned; otherwise, the default value is returned.


Parsing an INI file in Java is relatively straightforward. By creating a properties object and using its load() and getProperty() methods, you can easily access and use the values stored in the INI file. This makes configuring applications written in Java much easier.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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