pass by reference in functions

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Kumar 0 C Programming

Pass by Reference in Functions in C Programming Language

When working with functions in the C programming language, you may encounter situations where you want to modify the original value of a variable from within a function. This is where "passing by reference" comes into play. Unlike "passing by value," which creates a copy of the variable, passing by reference allows you to work directly with the original data.

Understanding Pass by Reference

Passing by reference involves passing the memory address (or pointer) of a variable to a function, rather than the variable's value itself. This means that any changes made to the variable within the function will affect the original variable outside the function's scope.

How to Pass by Reference

To pass a variable by reference in C, you need to use pointers. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Declare the Function: Begin by declaring the function prototype with the appropriate data type for the parameter that will receive the reference.

    void modifyValue(int *ptr);


  2. Use Pointers as Parameters: In the function prototype, the parameter should be declared as a pointer (indicated by the * symbol). This tells the function to expect an address.

    void modifyValue(int *ptr) {
        // Code to modify the value pointed to by ptr


  3. Pass the Variable's Address: When calling the function, pass the memory address of the variable you want to modify using the & operator.

    int main() {
        int num = 10;
        modifyValue(&num); // Passing the address of 'num'
        // 'num' has been modified
        return 0;


  4. Access the Value through the Pointer: Inside the function, use the pointer to access and modify the original variable.

    void modifyValue(int *ptr) {
        *ptr = 20; // Modifying the original value

Benefits of Pass by Reference

Passing by reference is useful when dealing with large data structures or when you want a function to modify the original data. It can be more memory-efficient since it doesn't create a copy of the variable.

However, it's important to handle pointers with care, as incorrect usage can lead to issues like segmentation faults or memory leaks.

In summary, passing by reference in C allows you to directly work with the original data, enabling functions to make modifications that persist outside their own scope. By understanding pointers and how they interact with functions, you can take full advantage of this powerful feature in the C programming language.


Pass by reference in C programming is a valuable concept that allows functions to operate on original data directly. By using pointers as function parameters, you can enhance memory efficiency and program performance while gaining more control over your data manipulation.

BY: Balmiki Kumar

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