Programming with Basic Combined Programming Language (BCPL)

17 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Exploring the Basics of Combined Programming Language (BCPL)

Combined Programming Language (BCPL) is a programming language created in 1967 by Martin Richards. It was designed to be used for writing compilers and interpreters, and has been used in a variety of applications since then. Here, we'll take a look at the basics of BCPL and why it's still so important today.

The Design of BCPL

BCPL was designed with efficiency in mind. Its design was heavily influenced by CPL, started by Richards as he studied at Cambridge University. CPL was then further developed into BCPL, which was simpler and more efficient. It was designed to be easy to use and understand, so it was well suited for beginners.

BCPL eliminates many issues that arise from traditional languages, and does this by having an explicit pre-processor that handles some tasks. This makes it easier to work with BCPL as it eliminates complex compilation steps. It also makes the code easier to debug and maintain.

What Is BCPL Used For?

BCPL is primarily used for writing compilers and interpreters. These just means that it can take human-readable instructions and convert them into instructions which are understandable by computers. It has been used as the basis for many major programming languages, such as Java and C++.

It can also be used for low-level programming, such as operating systems. BCPL is also very versatile and can be easily integrated into existing projects without requiring too much effort.

Why BCPL is Still Relevant Today

BCPL has been around since 1967, and it is still actively supported by developers. There are several reasons why this is the case. For one, BCPL is simple and intuitive, making it easier for beginner programmers to learn. It is also very efficient, and many of the features that it offers are still relevant today.

Despite its age, BCPL continues to be actively improved and maintained. This ensures that developers can continue to use it for their projects, and enjoy the same level of performance they have come to expect.


Combined Programming Language (BCPL) is an incredibly useful language that has stood the test of time. It is still actively supported by developers, and its powerful and intuitive features make it ideal for both beginner and experienced programmers. It excels in writing compilers and interpreters, and can also be used for low-level programming tasks. We hope that you have a better understanding of BCPL now, and that you can start using it for your projects!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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