Rotate Instructions in Assembly Language

29 Apr 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Assembly language

Rotate instructions in assembly language are used to perform bitwise rotation operations on values stored in registers or memory locations. These instructions allow for efficient shifting of bits within a binary value, which is useful in a variety of applications such as cryptography and image processing.

Here are some examples of rotate instructions in assembly language:

  1. RLA
  2. RRA
  3. RLCA
  4. RRCA


Rotate left Accumulator(RLA) 

In assembly language, RLA is a rotate left through carry instruction. It is used to perform bitwise rotation operations on values stored in registers or memory locations. This instrcution will accumulator binary toward left side by one position 

The syntax of RLA instruction in x86 assembly language is:

rla operand

The operand can be a register or a memory location. This instruction rotates the bits in the operand to the left by one position, and the carry flag is shifted into the least significant bit. The new value of the carry flag is the bit that was shifted out of the most significant bit.

For example, if AL contains the value 0x81 (10000001 in binary) and the carry flag is set, the instruction rla al will rotate the bits in AL to the left by one position, resulting in the value 0x03 (00000011 in binary). The carry flag will now be set to 1, as the bit that was shifted out of the most significant bit was a 1.

RLA instruction is useful for performing multiplication and division operations, as well as for implementing bitwise operations in assembly language.


RRA  Rotate right through carry instruction: 

In assembly language, RRA is a rotate right through carry instruction. It is used to perform bitwise rotation operations on values stored in registers or memory locations.

The syntax of RRA instruction in x86 assembly language is:

rra operand

The operand can be a register or a memory location. This instruction rotates the bits in the operand to the right by one position, and the carry flag is shifted into the most significant bit. The new value of the carry flag is the bit that was shifted out of the least significant bit.

For example, if AL contains the value 0x81 (10000001 in binary) and the carry flag is set, the instruction rra al will rotate the bits in AL to the right by one position, resulting in the value 0xC0 (11000000 in binary). The carry flag will now be set to 1, as the bit that was shifted out of the least significant bit was a 1.

RRA instruction is useful for performing division operations, as well as for implementing bitwise operations in assembly language.


RLCA Rotate left through carry without affecting any other flag instruction

In assembly language, RLCA is a rotate left through carry without affecting any other flag instruction. It is used to perform bitwise rotation operations on values stored in registers or memory locations.

The syntax of RLCA instruction in x86 assembly language is:


This instruction rotates the bits in the accumulator register (AL) to the left by one position, and the carry flag is shifted into the least significant bit. The new value of the carry flag is the bit that was shifted out of the most significant bit.

For example, if AL contains the value 0x81 (10000001 in binary) and the carry flag is set, the instruction rlca will rotate the bits in AL to the left by one position, resulting in the value 0x03 (00000011 in binary). The carry flag will now be set to 1, as the bit that was shifted out of the most significant bit was a 1.

RLCA instruction is useful for performing multiplication and division operations, as well as for implementing bitwise operations in assembly language. It is also commonly used in cryptographic algorithms.


RRCA  Rotate right through carry without affecting any other flag instruction

In assembly language, RRCA is a rotate right through carry without affecting any other flag instruction. It is used to perform bitwise rotation operations on values stored in registers or memory locations.

The syntax of RRCA instruction in x86 assembly language is:


This instruction rotates the bits in the accumulator register (AL) to the right by one position, and the carry flag is shifted into the most significant bit. The new value of the carry flag is the bit that was shifted out of the least significant bit.

For example, if AL contains the value 0x81 (10000001 in binary) and the carry flag is set, the instruction rrca will rotate the bits in AL to the right by one position, resulting in the value 0x40 (01000000 in binary). The carry flag will now be set to 1, as the bit that was shifted out of the least significant bit was a 1.

RRCA instruction is useful for performing division operations, as well as for implementing bitwise operations in assembly language. It is also commonly used in cryptographic algorithms.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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