What are the Restriction of switch cases in c program?

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Restrictions of Switch Cases in C Programming

Switch statements in C provide a convenient way to perform different actions based on the value of a variable. However, there are certain restrictions and considerations that programmers need to be aware of:

  1. Integral Expressions Only:
    • The expression used in a switch statement must be of integral type, which includes data types like int, char, short, long, and their corresponding unsigned versions.
  2. Constant Case Values:
    • The case labels must be constants. This means they must be known at compile time and cannot be variables or expressions.
  3. Unique Case Labels:
    • Each case label within a switch statement must be unique. You cannot have two case labels with the same value.
  4. No Floating-Point or String Comparisons:
    • Switch statements do not support floating-point or string comparisons. You cannot use variables of type float, double, or char* in the expression.
  5. No Range Checking:
    • Switch cases do not support ranges. For example, you cannot use a syntax like case 1 ... 5: to handle a range of values.
  6. No Goto Statements Inside Cases:
    • You cannot use goto statements to jump into or out of a case statement. This would result in a compilation error.
  7. Fall-Through Behavior:
    • Unlike some other programming languages, C does not require a break statement after each case. If a break statement is not used, execution will "fall through" to the next case.
  8. Default Case is Optional:
    • While it's a good practice to include a default case to handle any unexpected values, it is not mandatory. However, omitting it means that the program will continue executing if none of the case values match.
  9. Compile-Time Constant for Case Labels:
    • The values specified in case labels must be constant and known at compile time. This means you cannot use variables or calculations as case labels.
  10. Switch on Integers Only:
    • In C, you can only use integers (and characters, which are essentially integers) in the switch expression. You cannot, for instance, use a float or a string.
  11. Use of Enumerations:
    • Enums are often used with switch statements, providing meaningful labels for integral constants. This improves code readability and maintainability.
  12. Nesting Switch Statements:
    • You can nest switch statements, meaning you can have a switch statement inside another switch case. However, this can lead to complex and potentially error-prone code, so it should be used judiciously.

Remembering these restrictions will help you effectively use switch statements in your C programs and avoid common pitfalls.


BY: Balmiki Mandal

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