Write a  program to set a bit, clear a bit , and complement a bits.

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Bit Manipulation in C Programming: Setting, Clearing, and Complementing Bits


Bit manipulation is a fundamental technique in computer programming that involves operations on individual bits within a binary representation of data. In C programming, this technique is particularly useful for tasks such as optimizing memory usage, implementing data structures, and working with hardware interfaces.

This web page provides a concise guide to three important operations in bit manipulation: setting, clearing, and complementing bits using C programming language.

Setting a Bit

Function: setBit()


The setBit() function allows you to set a specific bit in an integer to 1.


int setBit(int num, int pos);


  • num: The integer whose bit needs to be set.
  • pos: The position of the bit to be set (0-based index).

Return Value:

The modified integer with the specified bit set.

Example Usage:

int num = 5; // Binary representation: 0101
int pos = 1; // Setting the 2nd bit

num = setBit(num, pos); // After operation, num = 7 (binary: 0111)

Clearing a Bit

Function: clearBit()


The clearBit() function allows you to clear a specific bit in an integer (set it to 0).


int clearBit(int num, int pos);


  • num: The integer whose bit needs to be cleared.
  • pos: The position of the bit to be cleared (0-based index).

Return Value:

The modified integer with the specified bit cleared.

Example Usage:

int num = 7; // Binary representation: 0111
int pos = 0; // Clearing the 1st bit

num = clearBit(num, pos); // After operation, num = 6 (binary: 0110)

Complementing a Bit

Function: toggleBit()


The toggleBit() function allows you to complement (toggle) a specific bit in an integer (change 0 to 1 and vice versa).


int toggleBit(int num, int pos);


  • num: The integer whose bit needs to be complemented.
  • pos: The position of the bit to be complemented (0-based index).

Return Value:

The modified integer with the specified bit complemented.

Example Usage:

int num = 6; // Binary representation: 0110
int pos = 2; // Toggling the 3rd bit

num = toggleBit(num, pos); // After operation, num = 2 (binary: 0010)

Write a C Program to set the bit, clear the bit , and Complementing Bits


int main() {
    int num = 21; // binary representation: 00010101
    int bit_position = 3; // zero-based index of the bit to manipulate
    // set the bit at bit_position to 1
    num |= (1 << bit_position);
    printf("After setting the bit: %d\n", num); // output: 29 (binary representation: 00011101)
    // clear the bit at bit_position to 0
    num &= ~(1 << bit_position);
    printf("After clearing the bit: %d\n", num); // output: 21 (binary representation: 00010101)
    // complement the bit at bit_position
    num ^= (1 << bit_position);
    printf("After complementing the bit: %d\n", num); // output: 13 (binary representation: 00001101)

    return 0;


  • The variable num stores the integer value to manipulate.
  • The variable bit_position specifies the zero-based index of the bit to manipulate. For example, to manipulate the second bit from the right (i.e., the bit with a value of 2^1), set bit_position to 1.
  • To set a bit to 1, use the bitwise OR operator (|) with a mask that has a 1 at the bit position to set (i.e., (1 << bit_position)). This will set the bit at the specified position to 1 while leaving all other bits unchanged.
  • To clear a bit to 0, use the bitwise AND operator (&) with a mask that has a 0 at the bit position to clear and 1s elsewhere (i.e., ~(1 << bit_position)). This will clear the bit at the specified position to 0 while leaving all other bits unchanged.
  • To complement a bit (i.e., flip it from 0 to 1 or vice versa), use the bitwise XOR operator (^) with a mask that has a 1 at the bit position to complement (i.e., (1 << bit_position)). This will flip the bit at the specified position while leaving all other bits unchanged.


Understanding and effectively using bit manipulation can significantly enhance your capabilities as a C programmer. The setBit(), clearBit(), and toggleBit() functions provided in this guide are powerful tools for working with individual bits in integers.

Remember to handle edge cases, such as invalid positions or overflow, when implementing these operations in real-world scenarios. With practice, you'll become proficient in leveraging bit manipulation to solve a wide range of programming challenges.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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