YouTube CEO Defends Removal of Dislike Counts

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube CEO Defends Removal Of Dislike Counts


In a recent move aimed at creating a more positive and constructive environment for its users, YouTube has taken a bold step by removing the public dislike count from videos. This decision, which comes after much consideration and feedback from content creators, has sparked conversations across the platform. Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, shares insights into the rationale behind this significant change and how it aligns with the company's commitment to fostering a healthier online community.

The Decision to Remove Dislike Counts

YouTube's decision to remove the dislike count was not made lightly. It reflects a deep understanding of the potential impact that public dislike counts can have on creators' mental health and the overall tone of the platform. By concealing this metric, YouTube aims to encourage constructive feedback and discourage malicious behavior that may stem from the dislike count visibility.

Promoting Constructive Engagement

Susan Wojcicki emphasizes that the removal of dislike counts is part of YouTube's broader effort to promote a culture of positive engagement and support within the community. The platform is actively exploring alternative ways for viewers to provide feedback that is both helpful and respectful, thereby enabling creators to improve their content without the potential negative impact of public dislikes.

Feedback and Adaptation

YouTube understands that change can be met with mixed reactions. The company is dedicated to listening to the concerns and suggestions of its users, content creators, and viewers alike. Feedback is invaluable in refining these changes to ensure they serve the best interests of the community.

YouTube Rolls Out New Metadata For Educational Videos

In addition to the removal of dislike counts, YouTube is also rolling out new metadata options specifically designed for educational content. This enhancement is geared towards making educational videos more discoverable, allowing creators to categorize their content more accurately, and enabling viewers to find relevant material more easily.


YouTube's decision to remove public dislike counts and introduce new metadata options for educational content reflects a commitment to creating a more inclusive, supportive, and constructive online environment. Through these changes, YouTube aims to empower creators and encourage positive engagement within the community. As the platform continues to evolve, user feedback will play a crucial role in shaping its future.

For more updates and insights, stay tuned to YouTube's official announcements and the Creator Insider channel.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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