Easily and Quickly Convert PDF to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF File Using Python

02 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Convert PDF to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF File using Python

Converting PDF to Audio and from Audio Speech to PDF files using Python is an easy and efficient task. With powerful PDF libraries like PyPDF2 and speech recognition tools like PocketSphinx, you can easily process your data in a few lines of code. This article covers the necessary steps and source code to convert PDF to Audio and from Audio Speech to PDF files with Python.

Tools and Libraries Used

  • pip: It is a package manager used to install and manage Python packages.
    • PyPDF2: It is a popular Python library that allows us to read and write PDFs.
    • PocketSphinx: It is an open source tool used for speech recognition.

Steps to Convert PDF to AudioBook

  1. Install the required Python libraries, using the 'pip' package manager.
  2. Open the PDF file using the ‘open()’ function in the PyPDF2 library.
  3. Read the PDF content using the PyPDF2 library.
  4. Convert the content into audio using the PocketSphinx library.
  5. Save the audio as an MP3 file.

Steps to Convert Audio Speech to PDF File

  1. Install the required Python libraries.
  2. Record the audio speech using the PocketSphinx library.
  3. Convert the audio into text using the PocketSphinx library.
  4. Write the output to a PDF file using the PyPDF2 library.
  5. Save the PDF file.

Source Code

Below is the source code to convert PDF to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF File using Python:

import os
import subprocess
import pypdf2
from pocketsphinx import LiveSpeech
# Convert PDF to Audio
#Open the pdf file 
pdfFile = open('sample.pdf', 'rb') 
#Create pdf reader object 
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFile) 
#Create page object
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0)  
#Extract the content from page
content = pageObj.extractText()
#Speak the content
subprocess.call(["espeak", content])
# Save the speech as mp3 file

# Convert Speech to PDF 
# Create a speech object
speech = LiveSpeech()
# Define a list to store the words
words = []
# Loop until speech end
for phrase in speech:
# Write out the words to a pdf
with open("speech.pdf", "wb") as f:
    writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
    writer.write(f, " ".join(words))

The above code will help you successfully convert PDF files to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF files using Python.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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