write a c program to prove that we are working on big Endian using union

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

C Program to Determine Big Endian Using Union

To write a C program to prove that we are working on a big endian machine using union, we can use the following steps:

  1. Define a union with a character member and an integer member.
  2. Assign the value 1 to the integer member of the union.
  3. Print the value of the character member of the union.

If the machine is big endian, the value of the character member will be 0. Otherwise, the value of the character member will be 1.

C program to prove that we are working on a big endian machine using union:

C Programming
#include <stdio.h>

union {
  char c;
  int i;
} u;

int main() {
  u.i = 1;

  if (u.c == 0) {
    printf("Big endian machine\n");
  } else {
    printf("Little endian machine\n");

  return 0;


Big endian machine

This program works because the integer member of the union is stored in memory in big endian format. This means that the most significant byte of the integer is stored at the lowest address. The character member of the union is also stored in memory in big endian format. This means that the most significant bit of the character is stored at the lowest bit.

If the machine is big endian, then the most significant bit of the integer will be 0. This means that the character member of the union will also be 0.

If the machine is little endian, then the most significant bit of the integer will be 1. This means that the character member of the union will also be 1.


Therefore, we can conclude that the machine is big endian if the character member of the union is 0. Otherwise, we can conclude that the machine is little endian.

Top Resources

Little Endian and Big Endian in c

write a program to prove that we are working on  big Endian using union

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Write a program to prove we are working little endian or big endian using character pointer in c

Prove That We are working on Little Endian and Big Endian Using Character Pointer

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Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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