how to put student database and how to get student database in file

24 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Creating a Student Database Program in C

Step 1: Define a Structure for Student Data

Create a structure to hold information about each student, including attributes like roll_number, name, marks, etc.

struct Student {
    int roll_number;
    char name[50];
    float marks;


Step 2: Implement Functions for Database Operations

Write functions to add a new student, display all students, search for a student, and update student information.

void addStudent(struct Student newStudent);
void displayAllStudents();
void searchStudent(int roll_number);
void updateStudent(int roll_number, struct Student updatedStudent);

Step 3: Initialize an Array to Store Student Records

Create an array to hold student records. This array will serve as our in-memory database.

struct Student studentDB[100]; // Assuming a maximum of 100 students
int totalStudents = 0; // Keep track of the total number of students


Step 4: Implement Functions for Database Operations

Adding a New Student

Get input from the user and add a new student to the database.

void addStudent(struct Student newStudent) {
    // Add newStudent to the studentDB array
    // Update totalStudents


Displaying All Students

Display information for all students in the database.

void displayAllStudents() {
    // Loop through the studentDB and print each student's information


Searching for a Student

Search for a student by their roll number.

void searchStudent(int roll_number) {
    // Search for the student with the specified roll_number
    // Print their information if found


Updating Student Information

Update information for a specific student.

void updateStudent(int roll_number, struct Student updatedStudent) {
    // Find the student with the specified roll_number and update their information


Step 5: Read/Write Database to a File

Use file operations to save the student database to a file and load it back when the program starts.

void saveDatabaseToFile(char* filename);
void loadDatabaseFromFile(char* filename);


Saving Database to a File

void saveDatabaseToFile(char* filename) {
    // Use file operations to write the studentDB array to a file


Loading Database from a File

void loadDatabaseFromFile(char* filename) {
    // Use file operations to read data from the file into the studentDB array
    // Update totalStudents accordingly


Step 6: User Interface and Main Function

  • Implement a user interface to interact with the program and use the functions defined above.
  • In the main function, provide options for the user to perform operations like adding students, displaying all students, etc.

Step 7: Compile and Run the Program

  • Compile the program using a C compiler and run the executable to interact with the student database.

Further Reading:


For further information and examples, Please visit[ C-Programming From Scratch to Advanced 2023-2024]


Top Resources


BY: Balmiki Mandal

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