Write a c program to delete some some character in given string

19 Sep 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

C Program to Delete Characters from a String

in c program to delete a specified character from a given string involves iterating through the characters in the string, copying each character to a new string unless it is the one to be deleted, and then displaying the resulting string

Write a c program to delete  some character in given string 

int main()
    char s[10],ch;
    int i,j;
    printf("Enter the string:");
    printf("Enter the Charcater:");
    scanf(" %c",&ch);
    printf("Before the string:%s\n",s);
    printf("After the string:%s\n",s);


Enter the string: ELECTRO4U
Enter the Character: E
Before the string: ELECTRO4U
After the string: LCTRO4U

Further Reading:

Concatenating Two Strings in C: A Step-by-Step Guide

Design a function to count given character in given string

Design a function to reverse the given string

Design a function to search given character in given string in c

Design a function to reverse the word in given string

Design a function replace the words in reverse order in a given string line

Design a function to find string length in c

Design a Function to print the string character by character

Write a c program to delete some characters in given string 

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Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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