increment and decrement Operator in c
Increment and Decrement Operators
The increment operator will increment the operand by one value similarly decrements operator decrement the operand by 1 value. This operator will modify the operand so we need to pass only variables constants are not allowed
These two-operator are unary operator
These operators are divided into two category
- Prefix Increment/decrement-operator is written before the operand.
(++num, --num)
- Postfix Increment/decrement - operator is written after the operand
Pre increment/ decrement operator:
in pre-increment first increment then assign it.
int main()
int i=10;
//++10; error
Post increment and decrement:
Post increment rule is first assigned and then increment or decrement of the operand.
void main()
//int i=10;
volatile int i=10;
printf("%d %d %d\n",i++,i++,i++,i++);
using volatile: 14,13,12,11
not using voltaile: 14,14,14,14
in case of pre increment no increment case the latest value will assign gets update
Top Resources
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Further Reading:
Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!